The results are in for the latest Kasasa Expert Exchange Survey. (Not a member of the panel? It’s easy to join here!) We asked leaders of community banks and credit unions how they get their news. This data helps us continue to tailor our products and services to meet the needs of community financial institutions like yours.
Here’s what we learned.
How your peers start the day
While it would be nice to catch up with the news over a leisurely breakfast, most respondents aren’t starting their day that way. Instead, the majority prepare for the day immediately, and then catch up on the news online once they’re in the office. On the other end of the spectrum, some like to maximize comfort by reading the news from bed right when they wake up.
As far as actually getting to work, the majority of those who work at a credit union or community bank commute less than 30 minutes to work each morning. And what occupies their time on the way to the office? Most said local radio is the number one traffic companion, while satellite radio and personal music come in second and third respectively.
Where the news comes from
With technology surrounding us at all times, it’s no surprise that most of you and your peers obtain the majority of your news online (favorite sites are CNN and Yahoo) with local TV and smartphone apps tying as the second most frequented news sources.
But when not watching the local news, bankers love all kinds of other TV stations. Some favorite networks and shows include: ESPN, HGTV, The Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, cooking shows, and The Walking Dead.
Learning about new products and services
When researching a new product or service, most bankers prefer to spend some time searching for solutions online themselves. Some even said they’re searching for this personal content at work (Don’t worry, we won’t tell!).
What did we learn?
Seeing where peers get their news has the potential to expose those in community banking to new sources, ideas, and insights for a more balanced view. One key takeaway from this survey that stood out to us was that many community bankers like keeping up with local news stations and websites. This indicates that their communities are very important to them – which is no surprise to us.
Feedback to these surveys always helps us learn more about personal and professional preferences so we can continue to create the best products for community financial institutions and provide insight into what others in the industry are doing. If you’re interested in participating in future Kasasa Expert Exchange Surveys like this one, sign up here.